□ Connect to Pulse Secure VPN Client (2FA Authentication required). □ Access to the Duke-NUS Websites / Intranet. □ Contact Duke-NUS IT Care at 6516-5932.
Connect to Web VPN (https://webvpn.nus.edu.sg/dana- na/auth/url_52/welcome.cgi). If you are using your own computer, click on “my own computer”. You will then ...
The SSL VPN IP address range cannot overlap with the address from any of the following internal network segments or servers: LAN, DMZ and PPTP server. Internal ...
NUS VPN (https://network.nus.edu.sg/vpn/) You can start using NUS WebVPN by login to http://webvpn.nus.edu.sg using your NUSNET ID and password. Once logged ...